April 6th 2025
100, 75, 50, or, 25 Mile Options
Picnic Lunch to follow the ride
Maui Century Ride 2025 (pdf)
100 Miles 5100 Ft of Climbing
The Maui Century Ride is being sponsored by South Maui Bicycles. A century ride is an opportunity for cyclists to test their fitness on a measured course of 100 miles, with 75 mile, 50 mile and 25 mile options. This year there will be four (4) separate soft start times: 100 Mile ride at 6:30am, 75 Mile ride at 7:30am, 50 mile ride at 8:30am, and the 25 mile ride at 9:30am. All registered riders must check in prior to beginning their ride. Registered riders are allowed to check in and start earlier than the suggested start time. This is to prevent mass groups from leaving at one time and the accompanying traffic problems they create. You may start early or later but the event is closed at 2:00pm. Please select a ride distance you can complete before 2:00pm and start at a time that will allow you to complete your ride within this time limit. Sag wagon support will not be available after 2:00pm also. All rides begin and end at the Maluaka Beach Park located at the south end of the Resort Hotel in Makena – please park in the overflow parking lot. Carpooling is encouraged as parking is limited! From the overflow parking lot, all riders will turn left onto Makena Alanui, riding single file into Wailea. At the Wailea Ike Drive intersection (Wailea Shopping Village), all riders will turn right and climb up to Pi'ilani Highway. All riders will ride the length of Pi'ilani Hwy until the Mokulele Hwy and North Kihei Road intersection. At this intersection, the 25 mile riders will turn Left get to the 25-mile turn-around and aid station at Sugar Beach and return via the same route. The 50 mile riders will also turn Left at the intersection of North Kihei Road, go past the 25-mile turn-around, through the Kealia mud flats to the Honoapiilani Hwy intersection. The 50 mile riders will then turn right onto Honoapiilani Highway headed toward Waikapu and Wailuku. They will go though Wailuku on High Street and straight through the traffic light at the intersection of Main and High St. Riders will then turn right onto Vineyard Street, left on North Market Street, head down through Happy Valley and up onto Kahekili Hwy to the turn-around and aid station at Waihee Valley Road (just before the Waihee Valley Bridge). 50-mile riders will turn proceed back to Wailea via the same route that they came. 75 and 100 mile riders will turn right onto Mokulele Highway and enter onto the new bikepath along the Haleakala side of the road at the first bridge about 3/10's of a mile from the intersection. Riders will continue on the new bikepath to Pu’unene and turn right onto Ho’okele Road. At the Hana Highway intersection, they will turn right onto Hana Highway. Riders will then pass through Paia and head toward Haiku where 75 mile riders will turn around at the Haiku Community Center (and aid station). 100 mile riders will continue towards Kailua and turn around at mile marker 8. Both ride groups will come back through Paia and enter onto the Northshore Greenway by turning right at Stable Road. From the greenway, riders will proceed through the Kanaha Park area on Amala St. and then turn left onto Hobron Ave. and right Kaahumanu Ave. Both 75 and 100 mile riders will then proceed onto Kahului Beach Rd. then right onto Waiehu Beach Road and right again onto Kahekili Highway. They will then proceed to the Waihee Valley Road (and aid station) and turn around and head back towards Wailuku. 75 and 100 mile riders will then proceed straight on Kahekili Highway to Happy Valley and straight into Wailuku. They will turn right onto Vineyard St. and head up to High St. where they will turn left. They will proceed straight on High St. through Wailuku towards Waikapu. 75 & 100-mile riders will then follow Honoapiilani Highway out of Waikapu and head to the North Kihei Road intersection where they will turn left onto North Kihei Road. They will then proceed on North Kihei Road and straight onto Pi'ilani Hwy until the highway ends. They will turn right on Wailea Ike Drive, left onto Wailea Alanui Drive, onto Makena Alanui and back to the Start/Finish area at the Makena Resort Hotel Beach south parking lot. Three Aid stations will be located at: Sugar Beach, Waihee Valley Road and Haiku Community Center. If needed,refreshments and other items can also be found at shops in Wailuku, Waikapu, Paia, Kahului and Kihei. A sag vehicle, equipped with a cell phone, first aid kit, water, food, and mechanical help will be cruising the course during the day and will do a final sweep of the course at the end of the day to assist riders not able to finish.
There will be a 2:00pm time limit. Any rider(s) finishing outside past 2:00pm will not receive any assistance and/or food and refreshments at the finish line. Please choose a ride distance to make sure you finish before 2:00pm! All aid stations will be closed after the last rider passes it. If you are having a bad day and are having trouble keeping up, just cut the course at any point and ride back to Makena as the BBQ will be broken down and packed up at 2PM
Please familiarize yourself with the course prior to the ride.
All riders MUST wear helmets at all times and are advised that this is an open course with no traffic closures.
All riders MUST also sign the release and waiver attached with this registration form.
All riders MUST follow obey all traffic laws and rules!
https://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/585302248 100 mile route
https://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/5895807514 75 mile route
https://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/5895781420 50 mile route